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Education for returnees to Afghanistan

Afghanistan | May 2017 - September 2021 | terre des hommes
Together with Terre des Hommes, the Beurer-Foundation provides educational support for returnees to Afghanistan.


Bildung für Rückkehrer in Afghanistan - Projekt der Beurer-Stiftung
The project target is the educational and social integration of 4000 vulnerable children, youngsters, and young adults from Afghani returnee families, through the expansion of school and vocational education infrastructures in four provinces in Afghanistan (Kabul, Bamyan, Daykundi, Herat). The structural target is to expand the pool of local specialists in the areas of education and management, as well as close the gap between primary and higher education.
In this regard, 100 teachers (45% of whom are female) will be trained in matters of teaching methods and school management, nine educational institutions are offering youth support programmes for higher education and vocational qualifications, as well as improved social participation through peace education and training.
Bildung für Rückkehrer in Afghanistan - Projekt der Beurer-Stiftung
  • Bildung für Rückkehrer in Afghanistan - Projekt der Beurer-Stiftung
  • Bildung für Rückkehrer in Afghanistan - Projekt der Beurer-Stiftung
  • Bildung für Rückkehrer in Afghanistan - Projekt der Beurer-Stiftung
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